The Power of your Sales Network in one Cloud and Mobile solution
- Order taking
- Warehouse
- Promotions
- Reports and analysis
FieldForce Plug-in adds further
features to push to the maximum your sales network performance!
The 82B module gives you an e-commerce custom portal, so your company can get direct orders from your trusted Clients.
Easy and smooth editing of your orders and quotes, with direct management of business conditions, discounts, promotionst leaflets and special prices. All information is always available both Online and Offline.
Your company can set the sales budget for your commercials and record the trend of the final balance. On the other end, the sales force get notification in real time about the trend of the performance comparedwith the set goals.
FieldForce increases the power of your agenda. lt saves all the data about the frequency of the visits by business representatives in order to arrange the calendars accordingly with your sales targets. Thanks to its integrateci GPS functionality, the system calculates the best possible route.
Activate the direct emission of sales documents as lnvoices and transport documents. Thanks to this modu le is also possible to manage the incarne coming from the issued documents. The Sales Attempt also helps for warehouse process, far companies that operates with vans and mobile stocks (docu ments for load in/out, returns etc.)
Thanks to the Collaboration module the company can lnstantly communicate with its own sales network and share information as commercial promos, duty allocation,Q&A etc.
lt is possible to calculate all your sales fees applying special filters, the sales charts can be shaped for a single item or for a whole category. lt is always possible to redefine the commission rates accordingly with your business strategies such as incentives, circumstances, discounts and promotions.
The module ensures to create and manage the offers far the Clients. These offers can quickly be turned into pu rchase orders.
The revenue manager allows the sales f ore e to record a ll th e incomes indicateci by the head office. The module also activates the administration of Client trust and the arder managing policy related to the commercial exposition or outstanding.
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